The Best Practices Wiki Information Model

The Best Practices Wiki Information Model is fundamental to identify (a) semantic tags to markup Best Practices essays (b) semantic classes for Practice, Policy, Procedure and Process models, of prime interest (c) classes for Act, Action, Activity and Task that are the detailed enumerated steps for a "method" that achieves a particularly useful objective.

Existing Models

  • mw:Extension:SemanticTasks: provides email task notifications and reminders. This application concerns relations of users to tasks, not a focus here though can be the direct input to such an application.

Additional References

Key Terms

  • Context: the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.
  • Essay: a short piece of writing on a particular subject.

  • Act: a thing done; a deed.
  • Action: the (fact or) process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.
  • Activity: the condition in which things are happening or being done. A thing that a person or group does or has done.
  • Event: a thing that happens, especially one of importance.
  • Task: a piece of work to be done or undertaken.

  • Formula: a method, statement, or procedure for achieving something, especially reconciling different aims or positions.
  • Method: a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
  • Practice: the customary, habitual, or expected procedure or way of doing of something.
  • Policy: a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or individual.
  • Procedure: an established or official way of doing something.
  • Process: a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

Semantic Entities

Class(Context) rdf:type Class(rdf:Bag,mw:Category,rdfs:Class,Timeline)
Class(Operation) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Context)
Class(Trigger) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Context)
Class(Sink ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Context)
Class(Agent ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Context)
Class(State ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Context)

Class(Event) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Trigger)
Class(Idea ) rdf:type Class(Trigger)
Class(Statement) rdf:type Class(Trigger)

Class(Policy ) rdf:type Class(Result,Procedure)
Class(Procedure) rdf:type Class(Result, Practice)

Class(Essay ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Statement)
Class(Heading ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Statement)
Class(Rationale) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Statement)

Class(Benefit) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Idea)
Class(Risk ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Idea)
Class(Belief ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Idea)
Class(Method ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Idea)

Class(Practice ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Heading, Formula)
Class(Formula ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Idea, Operation )
* rdf:hasProperty Instance(Parameter)
* rdf:hasProperty Instance(Result )

Class(Activity) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Heading,Task)
Class(Task ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Process,Action)
Class(Action) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Event)
Class(Add ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Action)
Class(Change) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Action)
Class(Delete) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Action)
Class(Query ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Action)
Class(Reply ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Action)

Class(Process) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Operation)
* rdf:hasProperty Instance(Risk)
* rdf:hasProperty Instance(Inflow)
* rdf:hasProperty Instance(Practitioner)

Class(Ground ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Sink)
Class(Place ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Sink)
Class(Person ) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Sink)
Class(Publication) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Sink)
Class(Institution) rdfs:subClassOf Class(Sink)