Lessons to Build Effective Leaders
Revision as of 15:58, 10 July 2015 by Terry Gardiner (talk | contribs)
Hire and Retain the Best People
- Right person for the right job
- Job description defines who is needed
- Screen candidates with key job elements
- Don’t wing it; interview with purpose
- Fit employees like hand and glove
- Turn over rocks. Learn before hiring
- Hire more home runs; reduce strikeouts
- Invest in onboarding for successful integration
- Grow your employees; build your organization
- Constantly upgrade your team and talents
- Reduce excessive and costly turnover mistakes
- Weak or inadequate management causes failures
Motivate Employees with Mission and Purpose
- Leadership must have passion and motivation
- Expect excellence. Don’t accommodate poor performance
- Power your business plan with involvement
- Share real information across the organization
- Take safety seriously and reap dividends
- Leaders must define and future culture
- Root out demoralizing practices and culture